Around The Way

you say you just want to stand there and dim out
just gonna root there and space
sulk cause there ain’t nobody really doped about your inventory
absorb celestial articles from neutral stations
from the pain participants
and by far mostly neo-family break strike pattern strike break deface

when you get so quiet and depressed, hate it and I drop away again
can’t understand I want to die again
I’m out here in the swell getting fucked up trying to cure you
it’s so draining
really how can I help if you won’t talk to me?
thought you were around the way
not just a cliche

Nina Barnes:
Eg har aldri tenkt meg sanningi
som ein husfugl,
men um ho so vore,
kan du godt strjuka henne med fjøri
og ikkje jaga henne upp i ei krå
til ho snur ugleaugo og klør imot deg.
Andre held sanningi for
ei kald knivsegg,
ho er både
yin og yang,
ormen i graset,
og fuglekongen som lettar frå ørni
når hu trur seg høgst.
Eg har òg set

when you get so quiet and depressed, hate it and I drop away again
can’t understand I want to die again
I’m thrashing in the waves getting fucked up trying to cure you
it’s so draining
how can I help if you won’t talk to me?
I thought you were a lover friend
I’m your friend


Nina's spoken word part actually is the third stanza from a poem by
Olav H. Hauge.
The poem was first published in 1961 as part of a collection called På ørntuva.

Here is what she had to say about it :

"my spoken part is from the poem “Sanningi” (the truth) of the norwgian poet Olav. H. Hauge. I felt compelled to use one of his poems, because they speak so truly of the nordic soul, or at least it feels like that to me. I wanted to write something myself, but it became too close in a way, and new-norwegian is such a powerful and poetic language - it just would work better than my “bokmål” - our spoken language, which sounded limp & contrived.

I am just using parts of the poem & it translates into something like this:

I never thought of the truth
as a domesticated bird (housebird)
but if she so was,
you could stroke her by her feathers
and not chase her into the corner
until she sets her owl eyes & claws in you.
Others, hold the truth to be
a cold knifes blade
she is
both yin & yang
the snake in the grass,
and the birdking that lifts off from the eagle
when she sets herself the highest.
I have also seen—- "

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